50 versus 144 MHZ aurora

E's versus au de EO30

JW7SIX on tropo
Heard this wonderful signal (originating from Kapp Linne)(Isfjord)
on a daily basis while conducting operations from all over Svalbard

VE4/KGØVL/b on E's from DO61

VE4/KGØVL/b de EO16 qrp

VE4/KGØVL/b EO26 qrp

KL7FZ into EO16

KL7NO on 50mcs au-e

OH1ZAA into JQ78
Here is OH1ZAA (KP01) on au-e's into Svalbard.

OH9 beacon in EO26

OH9SIX beacon
Copied this from a mountain-top location near Berentsberg, Svalbard.

SK3SIX beacon heard from Spitzbergen
On this reception, I was sitting with SM3JGG, and SM3EQY as we were listening to six meters. Along came SK3SIX/b, to which Staffan replied, "that's my beacon". Whoever has owned or operated a beacon, such instances evolve feelings that are hard to express in words (such an example would be sending your "first-born" off to college).

VE4/KGØVL/b EO26 au beacon

VE7DUB into EO26

VE8BY/b auroral
Here is the VE8BY/b under severe auroral distress (from EO36). At this distance, pure aurora is unlikely the candidate, however, to determine that the signal was originally au-e, then linked (or shifted to pure au) (or vice-versa), is still somewhat uncertain (even after all this study). The ever-present strong T-9 signal on a nightly basis would seem to support this fact, yet more study needs to be completed.

VE8HL wx report
Here is Larry giving a wx report for Baffin Island on the July 4th weekend (midsummer).

VE8JL into EO16

VE8SIX/b into EO26


BQ50-EO16 ssb


Auroral Waves
A must hear!  Notice how quickly this signal goes fromT-9 to severe rasp, and then back once again.


KL7NN into EO30
Here is Skip, right on time, right on frequency, and strong.


VE4VHF /B EN19 auroral


KOGUV /b EN26 auroral


OX3SIX bcn HP15eo
Here is the OX3SIX/b from HP15eo.  Originating from near Kulesuk, Greenland, it is heard often on au-e's.  Receptive nearly three times as often as it's counterpart (OX3VHF/b), it is interesting to note the relationship between the OX beacons, and that of VE8BY/b. On some evenings, all three will be "going to town", while on other occasions, only one will be heard (and sometimes at "obscene levels").  (S-9++)

K2MUB on F2 backscatter shifted auroral
Here is K2MUB on cw calling cq dx Europe and received by me in EO36. His signal most likely began as F2 backscatter, then was shifted auroral. These mechanisms seem to be uni-directional, as the reverse procedure should not be possible. (note: quiet conditions with Solar Flux 210, Kp=1, Ka=6 and <25nt to the positive locally)

NOVSB on F2 backscatter shifted auroral
Here we have the same as the K2MUB European example, but now towards the Pacific much later in the day. Here is Brian calling cq dx Japan on cw via F2 backscatter then shifted auroral.

VE5UF qso on ssb

Here is a typical ssb conversation from within the auroral zone. I would consider these patterns of speech "normal" and a common nightly occurrence.

VE5UF signal report
Hi Doug, thanks for the "five and five"!

R1 video Auroral
What a beautiful sound! Here is the 49.750mcs Siberian TV video carrier copied auroral from EO36 with a qtf of 359 degrees! Although common to many, this signal is rare in Northern VE4 and especially rare via direct Northern trans-polar auroral-e paths.

F2 pile-up de EO36
My goodness! Chaos reigns on 50.185 from the auroral zone.

CBC wx report for Northern VE4

WWV with indices at solar max
It seems the Earth is ready to explode!

Winter Ice-road report for Northern VE4